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Sova Quick Guide – Abilities, Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Born on the Russian tundra, Sova became a VALORANT agent to track his enemies efficiency. Check out our guide to learn how to use Sova effectively!

Agent Overview

ArchetypePlaystyleDifficultyTier List Rank
InitiatorInformationMediumA Tier

Sova is the trademark information gatherer in Valorant. His abilities are fantastic for learning enemy positions, forcing them to retreat, and dealing large chunks of damage. Sova’s main draw that separates him from other information-based agents is that he can use his damage utility to clear angles and play a very strong post plant. For Sova players, you’ll want to spend a good amount of time learning and practicing lineups to utilize his kit fully.


  • Sova provides his team with information on enemy team locations.
  • His utility can be deployed from safe angles enabling him to gather information and deal damage with low risk.
  • Sova’s Shock Dart and ultimate allow you to control post-plant situations, especially if you know the lineups and plant locations.


  • Sova’s abilities are relatively slow and often fall short when the enemy team moves rapidly.
  • His information abilities can be easily destroyed, and many players know the lineups to destroy his utility before it gets any value.
  • Sova requires good communication to get the most out of his kit compared to other agents.

Skill Breakdown

Ability 1 (C) – Owl Drone

Equip an owl drone. Fire to deploy and take control of the movement of the drone. Use your jump key bind to raise the drone’s elevation, and your crouch key bind to lower the elevation. While in control of the drone, Fire to shoot a marking dart. This dart will reveal the location of any player struck by the dart.

Ability 2 (Q) – Shock Bolt

Equip a bow with a shock bolt. Fire to send the explosive forward, detonating upon collision and damaging players nearby. Hold Fire to extend the range of the projectile. Alternate Fire to add up to two bounces to this arrow.

Signature Ability (E) – Recon Bolt

Equip a bow with a recon bolt. Fire to send the recon bolt forward, activating upon collision and revealing the location of nearby enemies caught in the line of sight of the bolt. Hold Fire to extend the range of the projectile. Alternate Fire to add up to two bounces to this arrow.

Ultimate Ability (X) – Hunter’s Fury

Equip a bow with three long-range, wall-piercing energy blasts. Fire to release an energy blast in a line in front of Sova, dealing damage and revealing the location of enemies caught in the line. This ability can be reused up to two more times while the ability timer is active.

Tips and Tricks

Tip #1 – Clearing the Angles

Sova’s Recon Bolt is a powerful tool that gathers information about enemies if left unchecked or gives a rough location based on audio from gunshots when it’s destroyed. This ability should be used to clear deep angles on sites, to give your team an idea of where enemies are. This ability is best used to gather information about deep angles because those are the last to be checked when being manually cleared.

Tip #2 – Ulting the Defuser

Sova’s ultimate ability Hunter’s Fury, is a fantastic tool for post-plant situations. This ability allows Sova to plant the bomb and start the post-plant situation from a safe location. If Sova players take the time to learn shock dart lineup for certain plant locations, they literally never have to leave a safe angle in post-plant. This forces enemies to either have to save their guns or push the Sova and risk losing the bomb defuse. When using this tip, consider asking teammates to ping the location of the spike to ensure the ultimate doesn’t miss.

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