Valorant Fundamental Guides

Entry Fragging Like Pro Players
Lesson 4
Difficult to master yet integral to creating the space that your team needs, entry fragging is a critical component of a successful roster. In this video, we will analyze some of the best Professional Entry players in North America and pick up some tips and tricks that you can apply to your own game.
Before you can get into the server and begin mastering the game, you will need to make sure that your in-game settings are set up correctly. In this video, we will go over mouse sensitivity, general settings, and save you time by introducing you to the settings that are the most vital to your gameplay.
You may know everything there is to know about your favorite agents and maps, but if your aim and reaction time are not up to par, all of that knowledge will fall by the wayside. With our guide on Improving Your Reaction Time, you will learn some of the methods and tricks necessary to win gunfights.
Finding the right crosshair in Valorant could be the missing piece that is preventing you from maximizing your aim and reflex training. We understand that every player is different and will respond to different Crosshair Styles, which is why this video offers 10 different crosshairs which might be the perfect fit for you.
Difficult to master yet integral to creating the space that your team needs, entry fragging is a critical component of a successful roster. In this video, we will analyze some of the best Professional Entry players in North America and pick up some tips and tricks that you can apply to your own game.
One important fundamental skill that most players may not properly understand despite its round-by-round impact is called creating space. In this video, you will learn what taking space means, how the different roles take space and explore some high-level examples.