Pobelter Teaches Advanced Mid Lane

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10 Video lessons

Pobelter Teaches Advanced Mid Lane

Public release date: 11/7/22

Eugene "Pobelter" Park has made his mark on North American League of Legends as a 10-year pro veteran and 3-time LCS champion. Known for his intelligence, consistency, and shotcalling, he'll act as your guide on everything mid-lane and break down advanced concepts such as side-laning, late-game decision-making, teamfighting, and objective control.

  • Early Game Tactics

    Pobelter discusses his approach to having a successful early game, including:

    • Different ways you can build advantages in winning matchups and minimize losses in bad ones

    • How your team’s jungle archetype should affect your early game plan

    • Ways you can better manage your resources

    • Advice on how Pobelter thinks about itemization based on a number of factors

  • Early Laning

    Lesson 2

    Pobelter discusses what he considers when approaching his laning phase, including:

    • The general dynamic of several different types of Mid lane matchups

    • The importance of keeping a ward up on at least one side of mid lane

    • How summoner spells factor into a player's plan for playing a successful lane

    • Examples of how to recover after making errors such as taking bad trades

  • The Little Things

    Pobelter explains how even the smallest decisions can impact your game by covering:

    • How game knowledge dictates the way mid-lane matchups are played

    • His opinions on the best way to develop and implement your matchup knowledge

    • An example of Pobelter’s deep game knowledge applied to one of his favorite champions

  • Working With Your Jungler

    Pobelter explores the essential relationship between mid laners and their junglers - teaching you:

    • Why keeping your jungler from falling behind will also help you in the long run

    • The two main types of junglers that are commonly encountered in League

    • How to tailor your game plan to synergize well with your jungler’s goals

    • How to address the dilemma of deciding whether or not to move towards a jungle skirmish

  • Vision Control

    In this chapter, Pobelter covers how to approach vision control from the mid-lane, showing you:

    • Common warding spots to help keep your team track the enemy jungler

    • How to play properly around your team’s and your own vision

    • Safe windows to look for the right timings to ward

    • The best wards and rotation paths for situations where you’re side-laning

  • Mid To Late Game Tactics

    Pobelter covers his thoughts on Mid and Late game tactics for solo queue, discussing:

    • What to consider when deciding where to be on the map in the mid to late game

    • How to approach the dilemma of farming side lanes or grouping

    • Pobelter’s tips for being more consistent when side laning

    • Ways to help get your solo queue team on the same page

    • Tips on how to better predict the outcome of fights

  • Crossmapping Objectives

    Pobelter discusses ways to maintain and use objective control to secure advantages for your team, including:

    • How to punish the enemy team for overcommitting to an objective

    • How pushing side lanes contribute to your team’s control over an objective

    • An in-depth breakdown of how pro teams approach a late game elder dragon fight

  • Objective Setup

    Pobelter discusses how to approach grouping for objectives, covering:

    • How to achieve the right timing when leaving a side lane to group for objectives

    • The correct vision control setup to maximize your odds of winning a fight

    • How to handle common solo queue scenarios around objectives

  • Late Game Decisions & Teamfighting

    Pobelter helps you maximize the odds of winning late game encounters by going over:

    • Optimal ways to utilize teleport and how to evaluate the value of your teleports

    • A breakdown of how crowd control dictates the tempo of a late game LCK teamfight

    • How lane pressure can force the enemy to make tough decisions

  • Final Thoughts

    Pobelter wraps up his course by discussing his schedule and training routine as a professional player. He covers:

    • His practice regiment and typical schedule as a professional player

    • Examples of setting goals for himself as a player and evaluating those goals.

    • Recommendations on the correct mindset for improving as a player.