Sneaky Teaches ADC Strategy

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Ranked Advice & Mentality

Lesson 10

Sneaky explains his mentality behind consistently climbing to the highest ranks, covering:

  • His recommended approach for diversifying your champion pool

  • How you can use information available to you in draft to form a game plan

  • The importance of playing with purpose and handling tilt

  • The differences between solo queue and competitive play

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Aimlabs Challenge

In your next 3-5 Summoner’s Rift games and before the game starts, analyze the enemy team for the champions and abilities that pose the greatest threat to you. These could be key ultimates or crowd control that could ruin your game. Do your best to factor these threats into the way you position during lane phase, fights, and skirmishes. At the end of these games, evaluate your performance and take note of any patterns you identify in your play.


Meet  Your Coach: Sneaky
Lesson 1

Learn more about Sneaky’s:

  • MOBA background and history of playing League since its beta release

  • Early days of playing with Cloud 9 and “living the esports dream”

  • Sneaky’s formative experiences as a pro player.

  • Journey of winning LCS 3 times and competing on the worlds stage 7 times

In-Game Settings & Keybindings
Lesson 2

Sneaky delivers his thoughts on how to find the perfect in game settings including:

  • How adjusting certain settings can improve your ability to move and orbwalk

  • The importance and best practices of good camera control

  • Sneaky’s take on whether abilities should be normal casted or smart casted.

  • How adjusting certain keybinds and habits can help you communicate your intentions to teammates

Essential ADC Mechanics
Lesson 3

Sneaky breaks down essential in game mechanics that every ADC should know, including:

  • Orbwalking and how ADCs benefit from this technique

  • The importance of the “S” key - an often underutilized keybind in League of Legends that can improve your character control and movement

  • Where you should position your camera as an ADC

  • Sneaky’s tips for when you should throw skillshots and trade in lane

Laning Phase Strategy
Lesson 4

In this laning-focused segment, Sneaky teaches you:

  • How to define the laning phase and where it fits into the other stages of the game

  • How to classify and form a game plan for your bot-lane matchups

  • When you should adjust your approach to trading and what factors to consider when manipulating waves

  • How to determine the right recall timings for your champion

Strong Side vs. Weak Side
Lesson 5

Sneaky explains how the concept of strong side and weak side can better inform your decisions in game, including:

  • Why strong side and weak side occur and how to determine which side you’re on.

  • How to adjust your decision making pathways depending on which side of the map you’re on

  • Several examples of how to utilize strong side advantage to gain a personal and team advantage

  • Several examples of how playing weak side correctly can create very difficult decisions for the enemy team

Mid & Late Game Strategy
Lesson 6

Sneaky explains how he thinks the later stages of a game should be approached as a team, covering:

  • How to define the mid-late stages of the game and why they can feel chaotic

  • What your individual and team goals should be during this time

  • How to decide between moving towards fights or prioritizing farm

  • Some tips for how to approach common mid or late game scenarios including split push, siege, and baron.

  • In-depth breakdowns from Sneaky’s own pro matches

Team Synergy
Lesson 7

In this team-based section, Sneaky teaches the concept and importance of good synergy. He goes into:

  • The importance of being able to empathize with the other roles on your team

  • What team synergy is and how its developed

  • Common ways other roles interact with the ADC role to benefit both players

  • How to better facilitate team plays with your personal decisions

Lesson 8

Sneaky teaches you the key principles he applies in teamfights to achieve success, answering the follow questions:

  • What is my primary goal as ADC in fights?

  • How do I decide where to position myself and when should I be following up on my teammates?

  • When should I hold my abilities or use them?

  • How can I prevent the fed champions on the enemy team from 1 shotting me?

Lesson 9

Sneaky teaches you his thought process on how to approach fundamental changes in League of Legends. He covers:

  • The benefits of understanding how other types of characters function

  • The lifecycle of patches and how a shifting meta forces adaptation

  • How you can use VODs from professional play to learn new strategies and evaluate your own gameplay.

Ranked Advice & Mentality
Lesson 10

Sneaky explains his mentality behind consistently climbing to the highest ranks, covering:

  • His recommended approach for diversifying your champion pool

  • How you can use information available to you in draft to form a game plan

  • The importance of playing with purpose and handling tilt

  • The differences between solo queue and competitive play