Xmithie Teaches Pro Competitive Jungling

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12 Video lessons

Xmithie Teaches Pro Competitive Jungling

Public release date: 11/21/22

Jake "Xmithie" Puchero is a 6-time LCS Champion Jungler and one of the most experienced veterans in North American League of Legends. As a pro for over 10 years, he'll teach you the fundamentals and in-depth decision making skills you'll need to succeed and rank up as a Jungler.

  • Meet Your Coach: Xmithie

    Xmithie talks about how he started his professional career and touches on:

    • How the game evolved through time and how the pro scene changed

    • His first experience coming into a big stage

    • His qualification to the first LCS ever

    • How his family supported him and how important it was to him

  • Jungle Fundamentals

    Xmithie breaks down core Jungle concepts including:

    • Jungle Champion archetypes and their goals

    • How to analyze lane states to help you “predict the future”

    • The importance of practicing and optimizing your Jungle clear

    • What to look at on the map to help you keep tabs on the enemy Jungler

    • The importance of warning your teammates of incoming gank windows

  • Ranked Jungling

    Xmithie offers his advice on climbing the ranked ladder as a jungler, exploring topics such as:

    • How jungling in solo/duo queue differs from competitive environments

    • The importance of having an early game impact for a jungler in ranked play

    • How to optimize your champion pool for ranked

    • Ways to think about balancing farm vs. ganking and being as efficient as possible

    • What Xmithie has noticed that differentiates lower level players from higher level players

  • Jungle Pathing

    Xmithie breaks down important Jungle factors during the early game such as:

    • Level 1 strategies and how to decide your end goal with pathing

    • How draft and in-game lane pressure should affect your decision making

    • When and how to counter gank to keep your laners safe

    • Understanding the difference in farming vs ganking Jungle champions

  • Top Lane Gank Paths

    Xmithie teaches you how to apply pressure in the top lane by helping you:

    • Learn different and less predictable gank paths

    • Recognize the most commonly warded areas of the map and lanes

    • How to control vision and track the enemy jungler to help your top laner avoid ganks

    • Understand the importance of avoiding vision when ganking

  • Bot Lane Gank Paths

    With 4 champions on a single lane there are higher risks and rewards. In this segment, Xmithie teaches you about different ways of getting your bot lane ahead with:

    • Teaching you different ways of creating ganks to Bot lane

    • Helping out your bot lane to recognize dangerous situations

    • Shadowing your Bot lane to keep them safe

  • Mid Lane Gank Paths

    Xmithie reveals his approach to ganking mid lane, including:

    • Some of the most common Mid lane mistakes and how to abuse them

    • How to control a certain side of the map with the pressure of your Mid laner

    • How to avoid getting spotted by wards and the most common Mid lane ward spots

  • Mid to Late Game Jungling

    Xmithie teaches you how to transition from your mid game to the late game by:

    • Getting vision control of the map

    • Helping you understand the importance of Jungle/Support synergy

    • Teaching you how to pick off key members of the enemy team

    • Punish enemy laners by recognizing when they’re overextended

    • Denying enemy Jungle camps by tracking enemy champions and pressuring your stronger areas of the map

  • Objective Control

    Xmithie discusses different ways to help you control and secure objectives by:

    • Teaching you the values of creating proper vision control around objectives

    • Helping you understand how important it is to respect enemy vision during key windows

    • Highlighting when to give up hopelessly lost objectives in favor of creating plays on other parts of the map

    • Explaining how to create key picks on enemy champions before objectives

  • Teamfighting

    Lesson 10

    Xmithie breaks down core concepts such as:

    • Understanding your champions playstyle and knowing when to teamfight

    • How to keep track of enemies and how to protect your teammates

    • The importance of adapting to your win conditions

  • Shotcalling

    Lesson 11

    Xmithie discusses the importance of being a leader and teaches you about:

    • His experience leading top teams in the LCS and at Worlds

    • How good communication can dramatically impact teams in competitive play

    • Different ways you can work with your team during your own games

  • Practice and Mentality

    Xmithie discusses the mentality that allowed him to excel in pro play, including topics such as:

    • The importance of constantly trying to improve and critiquing his own plays whenever possible

    • What kind of mistakes to look for in solo queue and competitive environments

    • The value of analyzing your own games and VODs

    • Being openminded to outside perspectives and being willing to implement them